OHS Athletics
Orting High School and it's coaches are dedicated to preparing all student athletes for college, careers and life.
It is our goal to involve as many student-athletes as possible in our extra-curricular programs. We believe that our extra-curricular programs are an extension of the classroom where valuable lessons are taught every day that help our students academically and in life outside of the school setting.
- Register online with FinalForms.
- Make sure Emergency Health Information form is completed for school nurse.
- Get Sports Physical from a doctor
- Physicals are good for two years from the date of service.
- Please upload the physical to your students FinalForms registration OR bring to the Facilities & Athletics office in the High School.
- Pay ALL FINES- all fines must be paid in full or a payment agreement set up to participate in games.
- Purchase an ASB card annually
Contact Us
Dean/Director of Athletics and Activities
Tyler Polly
(360) 893-2246 Ext. 4323
Athletics & Facilities Coordinator
Beth Veltri
Office: (360) 893-2246 Ext. 4377
Cell: (253)569-4333
GoFan Tickets for OHS sports Link for game tickets
Find game schedules at OrtingCardinals.com