College Ready
Is college right for you?
- Not sure where you want to go to college? Find the Right School for You with the College Scorecard video
- Take this helpful quiz! to find out if your College List is ready to go
- The Best Colleges - Report card 2025
- The College Admissions Guide is a great site detailing steps to college - regardless of grade-level!
- Grad Requirements Comparison handout for high school graduation, university entrance and NCAA requirements!
- College and Career Guide for Students with Disablities
Explore 4-Year Colleges/Universities
- SchooLinks
- College Board's Big Future
- College Raptor
- Find Washington college admissions requirement information
Western States' University Resource
- Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) (tuition exchange program for regional out-of-state colleges and universities)
College Application Tips
College Testing
Whether you are thinking about attending university or you want to find out how you are doing academically, college entrance exams can be a good choice! See the links below for test registration, test dates, and costs of exams - if you are a Free/Reduced lunch student, you can receive a fee waiver! See Ms. Nelson for fee waivers.
- ACT Testing
- SAT Testing
- What does Test Optional mean? Here's a great video explanation of testing policies when applying to a university
- contains information for all colleges that are test-optional or test-blind, or both
- What is the difference between the ACT and the SAT?
Orting High School offers the PSAT (Practice SAT) and the Pre-ACT to students grades 9-11. Check the Counseling Center announcements page in the fall (PSAT) and winter (Pre-ACT) for more information, or see your counselor!
Explore 2-Year and Technical Colleges
- State Board of Community and Technical Colleges
- 2-Year College Contacts
- Check Out a College
- Benefits of Attending Community College and Why You Should Attend Community College for Transfer Credits
Southwestern Oregon Community College offers a tuition waiver to students with a 3.75 GPA or higher. If you are interested in SW ORE CC, see Ms. Frey for the details.
Military Academies
- Military Academy information posted on Congresswoman, Dr. Kim Schrier's website
Online Colleges
- Resources for online colleges: Accredited Colleges in Washington
- Affordable Colleges Online
- Counseling Degrees Online Program
The Orting School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Debi Christensen, Title IX Coordinator & Civil Rights Coordinator, 360-893-6500 x243, christensend@orting.; Chris Willis, Section 504 Coordinator, 360-893-6500 x233, 121 Whitesell Street NE, Orting, WA 98360.