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Dual Enrollment

Advanced Placement (AP)

Advanced Placement (AP) classes are considered College Prepatory Classes with Exams or CPPE classes. CPPE classes, in Washington State, are defined as high school courses for which students may earn college credit through recognized standardized exams, such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and Cambridge International exams. Advanced Placement, Cambridge, and International Baccalaureate programs enable students to take high school courses, taught by high school teachers, at the high school. Upon completion of the course, students may take a standardized exam. Depending on the exam score, they may earn college credit. Colleges determine the type and amount of credit earned based on the exam and the exam score. 

OHS offers AP classes to students at all grade levels. AP classes are listed in the OHS Curriculum Guide. Exams are usually administered in May, and there are costs for the exams. Costs are $97 per exam. Exam fees cannot be refunded even if the student doesn't score at a credit-bearing level.

See Dual Credit Comparison Chart for more information!

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Career and Technical Education (CTE) dual credit courses are taught at the middle and high school by middle/high school teachers and are approved by colleges that partner with the high school. High schools and colleges enter into consortium agreements that ensure courses taken lead to, prepare students for, and can lead to credit for college courses. These courses fall within a career pathway and can move a student towards completion of a certificate or degree in that field.

Orting School District offers numerous CTE classes. Course descriptions can be found in the OHS Course Catalog located on the Home page of the Counseling Center Website. CTE courses are offered each year when students register for classes. OHS Programs of Study are related to specific Career Clusters. 

OHS CTE Programs of Study
Agriculture Sciences
Arts and Communication
Business and Marketing
Family and Consumer Science
Health Science
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)

 Pierce County Skills Center

Another available resource for CTE credits is the Pierce County Skills Center (PCSC), which is a year-long program open to juniors and seniors who've met core graduation requirements. The PCSC also offers free summer school to all grade levels, from incoming freshmen to seniors. The PCSC has a separate application process and Orting High School has a supplemental application - both need to be submitted to your counselor to determine program eligibility.  The PCSC website details program offerings, open house dates and applications (also found below), which open each March. Students interested in the PCSC must check with their counselor to determine if they are eligible to attend.

The OHS Pierce County Skills Center Supplemental form is a required OHS document. Complete and email to Ms Frey after being accepted to PCSC!

PCSC CTE Aligned Programs of Study/Career Clusters

Aerospace Composites/Manufacturing
Aerospace Machining/Manufacturing

Mechatronics/Pre-Engineering (new 24-25)
Automotive Technology/Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Construction Trades/Architecture & Construction
Cosmetology/Personal Services
Criminal Justice/Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
Culinary/Hospitality & Tourism

Electrical Trades (new 24-25)
Video Game Design/Information Technology
Fire Science/Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
IT-Cybersecurity/Information Technology

Medical Assistant (new 24-25)
Medical Careers/Health Science
Pre-Pharmacy Tech/Health Science
Pre-Physical Therapy/Sports Medicine/Health Science
Pre-Vet Tech/Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

College in the High School

A College in the High School (CHS) program is a dual credit program in which a college approved eligible high school teacher offers a college course on a high school campus or in a high school environment, and in which eligible students are given the opportunity to earn high school credit to be awarded by a district, charter school, or tribal compact school and college credit awarded by the participating institution of higher education.

OHS currently offers CHS in math and science classes through Central Washington University; English and history classes through Eastern Washington University and Computer Science classes through University of Washington. Students in selected math classes (Pre Calculus, AP Calculus and College Ready Algebra II) are invited by the teacher to participate. Students must take and pass the Accuplacer college math placement exam for math classes only. Cut scores are determined by courses. See your students' math teacher about Accuplacer scoring. OHS CHS math classes are offered by semester, therefore, allowing the opportunity for students to earn college credit at the end of each semester. 

There are no tuition costs for CHS. Most CHS classes are 5-credits. If a student falls below a C grade or fails the class, they will not receive college credit .

See the Dual Credit Comparison Chart above.

Benefits of CHS include:

  • Opportunity to earn college credits while remaining at the high school
  • Parents/guardians can view grades 
  • Colleges do not charge an application fee.

See the FAQs from OSPI CHS program

Running Start

Running Start is a program designed to give students at junior or senior status an opportunity to attend a 2-year or technical college while still in high school. Tuition is free, but there are fees and textbook costs. Further, students must provide their own transportation to their selected college or technical program.

Students must meet necessary criteria (be at junior status, meet testing requirements and age limitations ((must be under age 21 at the start of the quarter you plan to attend)), earned high school credit, etc.) before being accepted into a running start program. 

Mid-March: Virtual Running Start/College in the High School Parent/Student Night – 6:PM. A link to this meeting will be posted in March!

Running Start Enrollment Steps 

OHS Steps:

  1. Attend the Annual Running Start Information meeting in March (or step two below!)
  2. Join the OHS Running Start classroom -classroom code TBD; you’ll need to login with your OHS email address
  3. Go to the “Classwork” tab 
    1. Watch the informational video
    2. Do the Parent/Student Registration form
    3. Read the OHS Running Start Handbook
    4. Take the Handbook quiz (located in the Running Start classroom)
    5. Complete the OHS Running Start Participation Agreement form by opening with Kami – sign with the “Drawing Tool”, save and email to the Running Start coordinator 
  4. After completing the above steps, you must do the Pierce requirements before an Enrollment Verification Form (college Running Start registration form) can be emailed to you by the coordinator

Pierce College Steps:

  1. Apply to Pierce College, indicating you are a running start candidate within their application
  2. Once you receive a welcome email a couple days later, you will need to do their online orientation (links will be located in the body of the welcome email!)

IMPORTANT! When watching orientation videos, look for a link to a student intake form! You will not receive an advising or registration appointment without completing the intake form!!!

  • Email the Puyallup testing center with your Student ID number, to request access to the Pierce Guided Self-Placement (GSP) - 
  • Once you’ve completed the GSP and assess into Running Start, make sure you take a screenshot of the results and send to the RS coordinator

 Green River College Steps:

  1. They will be emailed their GRC SID number and directions to access student email
  2. They will also be directed to complete online orientation 
  • Students need to show eligibility for Engl 101. GRC is conducting testing remotely. Students need to schedule a time to take the assessment and learn more about remote testing at
  • Students complete the Enrollment Packet, which has the EVF built in. They still need signatures on all forms. Here is some helpful information about signing forms electronically (thank you 
  1. Windows: Open the PDF in Adobe Reader and click the “Fill & Sign” button in the right pane.
  2. Mac: Open the PDF in Preview, click the Toolbox button, then click Sign
  3. iPhone and iPad: Open the PDF attachment in Mail, then click “Markup and Reply” to sign.
  4. iPhone and Android: Download Adobe Fill & Sign, open the PDF, and tap the Signature button.
  5. Chrome: Install the HelloSign extension, upload your PDF, and click the Signature button. 
  • Students will then email all packet materials to, using their Green River Student email.
  • They will reply to students with a date and time for their RAP session, where they will register for classes. We have scheduled all RAP sessions to be held via Zoom through the end of June.

After completing all the steps for OHS and either college, the OHS Running Start coordinator will send you an electronically signed copy of your Enrollment Verification Form (EVF).

You will need to watch your college email and your personal email, along with your college student page for your registration date/time

Please attempt to register for the classes the coordinator has listed on your EVF, as they will be OHS graduation requirements; if you cannot get into one or more of the classes, then refer to page 13 of the OHS Running Start Handbook to determine other OHS equivalents you can take.

Students and Parents:

All incoming running start students and parents must attend the annual OHS mandatory running start meeting in March. Stay tuned!

If your student is on free or reduced lunch, or has been in the past 5-years, they may be eligible for fee waivers. Email the OHS Running Start coordinator for more information.

New and incoming running start students must agree to join the running start Remind app.

The Orting School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Debi Christensen, Title IX Coordinator & Civil Rights Coordinator, 360-893-6500 x243, christensend@orting.; Chris Willis, Section 504 Coordinator, 360-893-6500 x233, 121 Whitesell Street NE, Orting, WA 98360.