Contact Us and District Directory
Contact Orting High School
360 Washington Ave N
Orting, WA 98360
District Directory
- Central Office
- Athletics
- Business Services
- Communications
- Equity and Student Outcomes
- Facilities
- Health Services
- Human Resources
- Payroll
- Nutrition Services
- Safety and Security
- School Counseling
- Student Support Services
- Teaching, Learning, and Assessment
- Technology
- Transportation
Central Office
Business Services
Equity and Student Outcomes
Health Services
Human Resources
Nutrition Services
Safety and Security
School Counseling
Student Support Services
Teaching, Learning, and Assessment
To contact any Teacher or Staff member, start by downloading the ParentSquare App to send messages. See the tutorial below:
On a desktop or a phone in the ParentSquare app, select messages at the bottom. To create a message, select the + at the top right corner.
Then select the direct message to send a message to the teacher or staff. You can also create a group if you want to send to multiple people.
There, you will get a list of all your child's teachers. Select which one you want and send a message from there. ParentSquare is individualized to each student, so each student profile will just show that student's teachers.