Principal Fries
Cliff Fries
My name is Cliff Fries andI have served the students and families of Orting since 1999, all at Orting High School.
I began my career here as an English teacher. In 2014, I was moved to a part-time teacher, spending half of my day supporting teachers with instructional technology across the district. In 2016, I was blessed to be named Assistant Principal for our Cardinals. In 2017, I moved into the Principal’s chair where I currently serve.
Outside of the classroom, I’ve spent the better part of my career coaching the boys’ and girls’ soccer programs, as well as numerous other sports throughout the district. Over the years, our athletes and students have grown and started families and careers of their own. Many of them are currently walking the halls of our schools.
Orting High School is an amazing oasis in public education. The staff here are dedicated to their kids first, and their passion for their content second. I humbly follow a line of great leaders who have cultivated a culture at Orting High School that motivates staff and students to achieve extraordinary results. Orting students are known for their tenacity, kindness, and passion for academics, arts and athletics.
I believe our students should have access to robust career and technical programs offered in larger systems and our staff has supported that belief by creatively supporting Culinary, STEM, Horticulture, Photography, Graphic Design, Electronic Music Production, Sign Language, Business, and membership in the Pierce County Skills Center. My reason for being here is to serve our students. As a high school, we are the last educators left to send our young people on a path that they must overcome for years, or enjoy and prosper in for life. The latter being our goal. I am passionate about the quality of the education at this school, and I am an aggressive defender of our kids and our village. If you ever have a question or concern, feel free to reach out to me personally. I have lived and worked here my entire career and am always willing to speak to those in our village.
Cliff Fries
Orting High School