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Senior Page

Welcome to the Senior Page

Senior year is an exciting time in the lives of our students! It is also a busy time, and we want to help you naviagate what is coming next on the road to high school graduation. Here, you'll be able to access the latest information about:

  • High School and Beyond Plans
  • Culminating projects
  • Yearbook deadlines
  • Senior Trip
  • Graduation ceremony

Recap of Senior Meeting Feb 5

Below is a list of important dates. As a reminder, ALL HSBP & SCHOOLINKS TASKS MUST BE COMPLETE for you to graduate. This applies to every OHS senior, including Running Start/Skills. You are not able to graduate as a Senior in the state of Washington if these tasks are not checked off. Your main point of contact in completing this is Ms Frey in the counseling Center. 


SENIOR Google Classrooms

Keep an eye on your TWO SENIOR Google Classrooms

Senior Classroom & HSBP Classroom

CAP & GOWN Video

Please see this LINK for all the information on cap and gown orders

Senior photos for the Yearbook! The due date is January 20th - Submit photo HERE-

Grad Ads and Quotes pages will open soon. Stay tuned.

Contact Us

Senior Advisor, Yearbook Advisor and Graduation Coordinator
Renee Polly

Graduation Specialist-HSBP
Gariann Frey
(360) 893-2246 x4385
Website Link

Project Grad
Melissa Garza
Facebook Group

Orting Alumni
Chas Mullins   253-845-7575

Important Dates

January 31 -Senior photos for the Yearbook! The due date is January 20th - Submit photo HERE- 

Grad Ads and Quotes pages will open soon. Stay tuned.

April 3, 2025- Cap & Gown Pickup 10am-1pm OHS Lot. If you ordered by the deadline for school delivery

June 4, 2025- Senior Scholarship and Award Night, 6 - 8 p.m. in PAC. Honor cords and scholarships awarded

June 10, 2025- Senior Checkout Day-Last day of school

June 12, 2025- Graduation Day! Cardinal stadium, 6 p.m., gates open at 5:15 p.m. with morning rehearsal

-more dates to come